Delores McCain asks Westsiders at Washington Square Mall, 4900 W. North Ave. and at Shorebank on King Drive:

How much confidence do you have that Mayor Daley will clean up scandals at City Hall?

Maceo Thomas: “This is supposed to be the city that works, but for who? It certainly doesn’t work for the vast majority of African Americans. It certainly doesn’t work for the poor and the homeless. Yet it works if you are rich, white, connected and obsequious. It works if you have clout and if you are amongst the privileged. So in answer to the question, until Mayor Daley demonstrates genuine concern for the African-American community, until he embraces the poor and truly works to eradicate homelessness. I have no confidence in him or his puppet appointments to do anything other than conduct “business as usual.”

Pamela Hunt: “In all honesty, I have absolutely no confidence that the Mayor can clean up corruption in the city. He has helped to create it, cultivate it and has ensured that his friends and family benefit to the fullest extent. He has spent millions on beautifying the city in order to cover up the despicable corruption. He has rendered himself unable to govern truthfully, fairly and honestly. What we need in Chicago is a broom to sweep out City Hall and all the corrupt, back-door dealing and phonies who are a part of this corruption. Mayor Daley appears to be an invisible mayor because he doesn’t know anything about anything. The buck should stop at City Hall and not at the Duff family door, fancy restaurants or trucking junkyards. Where is U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald when you need him?”

Felicia Moss: “None and the scandals have been going on and on and on, and it’s not getting any better. The city needs some kind of change. There is too much underground stuff going on. Furthermore, a lot of people sitting in office have a lot to do with these scandals. It’s about time we elect a new mayor and some new aldermen.”
Jennette Brown: “None?”no confidence at all.

They should get Mayor Daley out of office. I don’t who know should run, but we can find somebody.”
Chersari Jones: “Well, I have no confidence, and I believe the mayor needs to be out of office. Someone new needs to be elected who will help us African Americans and hopefully all this scandal stuff will stop. And hopefully we can get some new aldermen, too.

Melissa Laureano: “Hopefully it will stop. It would be a good thing to see our neighborhoods looking better. The scandals are good publicity for him. It’s wrong that minorities are locked out while others are getting rich.”