Beverly Stewart "I am not supporting her because of the things she was involved with in the past. It was her husband, Bill Clinton, who implemented some of the worst laws in the history of the United States. I don't trust her."

Yolanda Rush

“I think some women are jealous.  There are probably those who think women still belong in the dark ages behind the scenes.  Personally, I think she will be a great president, and she has the necessary experience to be a great president.”  

Betty Thomas

“I think Black women are behind Hillary.  I know my friends are.  We were supporting her before she even announced she was running.”

Marie Payne

“They are probably being influenced by their husbands.  A lot of times, women are not really interested in politics and they just vote the way their husbands suggest they vote.”

Megan Greenberg

“I think they do not know all the facts.  They are probably listening to Trump and all the stuff about the email scandal, instead of thinking about the good things she has done for women and children.  She has a history of that.”

Victoria Rodriquez

“I did not know women weren’t supporting her.  I like the idea of being able to vote for the first woman president.  She will be as good as most men presidents and better than a lot of them.”

Beverly Stewart

“I am not supporting her because of the things she was involved with in the past. It was her husband, Bill Clinton, who implemented some of the worst laws in the history of the United States.  I don’t trust her.”